From our centres in London, United Kingdom, we have compiled this excellent OET (Nursing) app to help you with your preparation. The app includes OET type test questions written by Native English OET Senior Tutors - who are actively engaged in preparing nurses for this exam. The app features full OET mock examinations that you can take on the go. We also have up-to-date OET tips and a LIVE connection to our Native English OET Education team, to allow you to make the best of your preparation time.
从我们位于英国伦敦的中心,我们编制了这个优秀的OET(护理)应用程序来帮助您进行准备。该应用程序包括由英语母语OET高级导师编写的OET类型测试题 - 他们积极参与为此考试准备护士。该应用程序具有完整的OET模拟考试,您可以随时随地进行。我们还提供最新的OET提示和与我们的母语英语OET教育团队的实时联系,以便您充分利用您的准备时间。